Astoria H.L. and P. Co. Power House.
Astoria Gas Co., power plant.
Fort Wood. Bedloe's Island N.Y. New Stack for Power House
Kent Avenue near Rush Street. Williamsburg Power Plant.
Astoria Gas Co., machine shop.
3rd Avenue and East 65th Street. Third Avenue Power House.
Kingsbridge Power House.
W. 137th Street. Harlem Hospital, Power House and Ambulance Building.
Miscellaneous Operative Properties - Engineer Way and Department Cable Power Sta & Printing House #40 State Street
East 183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Power plant
[Unidentified industrial building.]
[New York Steam Heating.]
Astoria Gas Company plant
East 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2, finished.