[Essex Street Market.]
[Essex Street.]
[Essex and Hester streets.]
Essex - Delancey St.
8 Delancey Street. Tree-Mark shoe store, entrance
310 Delancey Street. New York. View Looking North
Essex Street, N. Y. City.
Public school at Delancey and Tompkins Streets. Installation showing Baking ovens.
Public school at Delancey and Tompkins Streets. Installation showing boiler and soup kettles.
8 Delancey Street. Tree-Mark shoe store, interior.
Public school at Delancey and Tompkins Streets. Installation showing soup kettles Interior.
East Side Public Schools 6. Class in the Essex Market School.
East Side Public Schools 2. Class without desks in the Essex Market School.
8 Delancey Street. Tree-Mark shoe store, general exterior.
Essex Street, Lower East Side. Slums. People on street, dairy restaurants.
Public school at Delancey and Tompkins Streets. General view showing ranges and soup kettles.
"Playground" of the Essex Market Public Shcool, Row of Closets [Toilets] Opening on It.