Van Cortland family burial ground, Van Cortland Park.
80 Van Cortland Park South. Apartment building
100 Van Cortland Park South. Apartment complex
Ruins of old prison, Van Cortland Park, N. Y. City.
6065 Broadway opposite Van Cortlandt Park. Keen Apartment House.
45 Park Avenue. Family Hotel
45 Park Avenue. Family Hotel.
Lake, Van Cortland Park, New York.
Whitmark [sp.?] Avenue, Hunts Point. New York Edison Sub Station, grounding auxiliary bus., interior.
45 Park Avenue. Family Hotel , basement stories.
Bronx Park Zoo elephant house, interior.
Skating, Van Cortlandt Park.
Bronx Parks East and Brady Avenue. Apartments.
Bronx Park Zoo elephant house, detail of entrance.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial School, ground floor, S.E. corner stairs, to show defective ceiling.