Carl Zeiss Co., Ideal B Camera, general view with accessories.
Carl Zeiss Company. Ideal B camera
Carl Zeiss Company. Ideal B camera, view of back coming off
Carl Zeiss Company, traveling photo exhibition
485 Fifth Avenue. Interior, Carl Zeiss & Company traveling photo show
Simplex machine, general view with rheostat attached.
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, general view of rear offices.
1 Broadway. International Mercantile Marine Co., general view.
East 14th Street. Consolidated Gas. Co., general view.
Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Appliance Department. Upstairs general view.
Central Tile Co., Jamaica. General view showing floor Interior.
The Precision Machine Co. Simplex motion picture camera.
Park Avenue. Lever House, general view with reflections.
57-59 Worth Street. Cone Export Co. Building, general view.
Pratt Institute, general view.