25 East End Avenue. Apartment building, exterior.
120 East End Avenue. Apartments, exterior.
10 Gracie Square. Apartment building, view from East River looking west.
25 East End Avenue. View from window of Mrs. Knapp's twelfth floor apartment showing East River, Roosevelt Island
[View of East River through a window].
[View of East River and promenade].
[View of terrace and East River].
[View of East River and terrace].
[View of East River and promenade through window].
10 Gracie Square, East 84th Street. View through window looking N.E. over river.
[View of East River and promenade, with barge in the river].
190 East End Avenue at 90th Street. View due east of roof deck and Gracie square.
East End Avenue and 89th Street. Apartment 2B, Mr. Klein's dinette into living room.
Gracie Square. [View of East River and promenade].
[View of a barge on the East River].
180-194 East End Avenue. Row houses, exterior.
[View through window of a boat on the East River].