115 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby.
West 147th Street. Open stair dwellings, group of employees.
70 East 77th Street. Apartment lobby remodeled.
170 East 77th Street. Apartment building under construction.
70 East 77th Street. Apartment house.
50 East 77th Street. Apartment building.
55 East 77th Street. General exterior.
West 123rd Street. Open stair dwellings, group of employees.
70 East 77th Street. Apartment building, exterior.
East 77th Street and 5th Avenue. Senator Clark's House.
70 East 77th Street. Penthouse terrace, victory garden.
Paul Leicester Ford residence, exterior, 39 East 77th Street (now 53 East 77th Street).
956 5th Avenue and 77th Street. Apartment house.
862 Park Avenue and 77th Street. Entrance detail.
70 East 77th Street. Apartment building
956 5th Avenue and 77th Street. Apartment house, detail of entrance.
965 Fifth Avenue between 77th and 78th Street. Apartments, record photo.
862 Park Avenue and 77th Street. Exterior.
[77th Street and FDR Drive]. John Jay Park, pavilion.
862 Park Avenue at the corner of East 77th Street. Frederick J. Renochan residence.