19th Street. National Arts Club, ranges.
[110 West 19th Street.]
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories. Interior
[49 West 19th Street.]
16-20 West 19th Street.
20th Street and 4th Avenue. Dr. Stires' Church.
54 West 40th Street. National Republican Club.
East 19th Street.
153-161 East 24th Street and 150-158 East 25th Street. Legal record photo, looking east through 25th Street from N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue.
220-230 West 19th Street. Small addressing machine with operator
10 West 19th Street. Office building.
[146 East 19th Street.]
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories. Exterior shot with employees