[Insurance Center Building, 80 John Street.]
111 John Street
[530 Seventh Avenue.]
[2 Park Avenue Building.]
[New York Furniture Exchange.]
[120 Wall Street.]
5th Avenue & 29th Street [View of buildings before their demolition for 261 5th Avenue.]
[U.S. Appraisers Stores.]
120 Wall Street
[Film Center Building.]
Wall Street [Wall Street from No. 48 to No. 62]
Wall Street
Wall Street [Wall Street from No. 64 to No. 82]
Wall Street [Wall Street from No. 4 to No. 20]
5th Avenue & 29th Street [Building demolition for 261 5th Avenue.]
[38 Wall Street.]
5th Avenue & 29th Street [View of building demolition for 261 5th Avenue.]