Bruce & Dean's Fancy Chair Manufactory
J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
B. W. Raper, Embosser
Lewie's Wholesale and Retail Jewelry Establishment
Robert Chapman & Co.
Philip Carr, Paper Warehouse
Rogers & Raymond Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Clothing
Hanover Fire Insurance Co.
Frank P. Basset, Wholesale Dealer in Produce
Matthew Carter, Manufactory of Looking Glasses
From J. B. Eckert, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Butter & Cheese
"The Hoe" Printing Press, Machine & Saw Manufactory
Francis & Loutrel, Manufacturing Stationers & Printers
[Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory.]
The Marks Folding Chair
Wm. A. Crocker & Co. Fancy Goods and Comb Warehouse
New York Iron Foundry, Printing Press & Saw Manufactory, H. Worrall & Co.
Henry Emonnet and M. Laforgue, & Co.
Cheesebrough Manufacturing Co.