Dedication of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty October 28 -1886
Ceremonies Attending the Reception of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty
In Memoriam - Chester A. Arthur
The Mammoth Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty, on Bedloe's Island
The Great Bartholdi Statue, Liberty Enlightening the World.
New York. Bartholdi "Statue of Liberty," Erected on Liberty Island, in New York Harbor. Inaugurated Oct. 28th, 1886.
Bartholdi Statue Liberty Enlightening the World
"Liberty Enlightening the World". Edward Moran, 1886.
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of the Statue of Liberty
Banquet Commemorating the Dedication of the Statue of Liberty
Liberty Enlightening the World. Dedication Ceremonies Unveiling the Statue of Liberty!
"Liberty Enlightening the World" - Bartholdi's Colossal Statue on Bedlow's Island, New York Harbor
[Men connected with the Statue of Liberty.]
Ceremony of the Dedication and Acceptance of the Eternal Light
Dedication - Firemen's Home Boonton, N.J., June 23rd, 1900.
Dedication of the Lincoln Tunnel
Names and Places of Abode of the Members of the Common Council, Engineers, Fire Wardens and the Foremen of the Respective Fire Companies
[Certificate of service as a fireman for 15 years.]
The Statue of Liberty