Presentation of the Site of Old Fort Washington to the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society by Rodman Wanamaker
Complimentary Dinner and Exercises in Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary and the Opening to Commerce of the Original Erie Canal
First Public Banquet held in celebration of Columbus Day
Order of Exercises for Decorating Soldiers' Graves at Cypress Hill Cemetery
Commemorative Dinner on the Occasion of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Opening to Commerce of the Original Erie Canal
Banquet of the Sons of the Revolution
Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge
Cycle Show
Program of literary exercises at the Sub-Treasury building in commemoration of the inauguration of George Washington, April 30, 1889
Programme of the Public Literary Exercises of the Annual Convention of Psi Epsilon
[Banquet in commemoration of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration.]
Dutch Pageant at the Town Hall Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the settling of New Amsterdam
Memorial Service commemorative of the late Gen. U. S. Grant
General Washington's Office, Roger Morris-Jumel Mansion.
Terminal Building Court and Montague Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brooklyn Nobody Knows [Inscription over a doorway of Plymouth Church house.]
Mary Bowen's Bedroom, Morris-Jumel Mansion
Aaron Burr Room, Roger Morris-Jumel Mansion
Dining Room, Roger Morris-Jumel Mansion
Literary and Musical Entertainment at Simpson M.E. Church