Entre Nous - Social & Lit[erary].
Entre Nous
Entre Nous Sociables
New Entre Nous
Entre Nous - Social and Literary Club
Fourth Annual Reception and Ball of the Entre Nous Literary Society
First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club
38th St. Extension. Completed Walls of West End Approach, Looking North
Showing South Retaining Wall, Sta. 24 + 35 to 25 + 50 Under Bank. Looking Southeast
Plant - Ohio Locomotive Crane
38th St. Extension. Steam Shovel Attacking Old North Retaining Wall Opposite 8th Ave. Looking North.
38th St. Extension. South Wall of 4th Ave. Turnout Completed. Looking N.E.
38th St. Extension. Forms in Place for South Wall Across 4th Ave. at 38th St. Looking West
38th St. Extension. Forms in Place for Footings, 9th Ave. Incline. Looking West.
The Eulenspiegel Society
38th St. Extension. Showing Culver Deviation Excavation. Looking West
38th St. Extension. Column Footings in Place, North Wall. Tunnel Extension. Looking East
1940 National Reunion of the Society of the Fifth Division U.S.A.
Gas Companies Employees Mutual Aid Society of N.Y.
Society of the Army of the Potomac