[The "Paris" in Dock.]
[The "Paris" in Dock, Masts and Rigging.]
Jackson's Wharf
[Ships at South Street docks.]
[Dock at Fulton Market.]
At the Foot of Wall Street N.Y. 1879.
Wall Street Towers, N. Y. C.
N.Y. Harbor
Skyline of N.Y.
[Ships at dock, South Street.]
Ferd. Mayer's Mammoth Lithographic Establishment. 96 & 98 Fulton St., N.Y.
["American Line" docks.]
Copy, S.S. "Paris," American Line about 1898, Old #4712.
Fulton Street Dock: Manhattan Skyline
Brooklyn Ferry, Fulton St
Destruction of Fulton Dock
[South Street, with detail of multiple ships' masts.]