Frederic De Peyster
[Certification of membership to the Free-School Society of New-York.]
[Membership to Bryant, Stratton & Co's. International Chain of Business Colleges.]
Teachers College, Barnard College and Columbia University
Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures [Certificate of membership to the New York County Agricultural Society.]
[Certificate of appointment to the Office of Policeman.]
[Rules and regulations for the students of the College of the City of New York.]
[Certification of diligence and good behavior.]
Diploma from Normal College in the City of New York
Upper Canada College
[Certificate of membership to the New-York Society Library.]
The College of the City of New York Inauguration of Frederick Bertrand Robinson, Ph.D., LL.D.
[Certificate of membership to the Free-School Society of New-York.]
[Certificate of payment to the fund for the erection of a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty.]
Old College Sycamore Schottisch
[Certificate of service as a fireman for 15 years.]
[Certificate of ownership of pew number 28 in the Presbyterian Church on University Place.]
City College of New York--Hunter College Girls
[Certification of diligence and attention to study.]
King's College 1756-1784 - Columbia College 1784-1857