The Following Rules Are to Be Observed By Every Member of Mr. Duer's Establishment.
[Forbes Magazine building, 60 Fifth Avenue.]
[# 60 Fifth Avenue N.W. Corner of Fifth Avenue & 12th Street.]
[Northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and East 12th Street.]
Fifth Avenue and 12th Street.
The Fifth Avenue Hotel, Twenty Four Fifth Avenue at Ninth Street, New York City.
New York Streets--Fifth Avenue [Mrs. Fannie Young in her home at 1 Washington Mews.]
[66 Fifth Avenue, at 12th Street.]
24 Fifth Avenue
[Lone Star Cafe, 61 Fifth Avenue.]
Residence, N.W. Corner of 12th Street and Fifth Ave.
[Fireplace at No. 1 Fifth Avenue.]
One Fifth Avenue
5th Avenue at the N.E. corner of 12th Street. Lenox Mansion City, view of Old New York.
The Sidewalk Cafe, Fifth Avenue Hotel 24 Fifth Avenue - at 9th Street, New York City.
[West side of 5th Avenue from 12th Street to 13th Street.]
[Corner of 13th Street and 5th Avenue.]
[Southwest corner of 5th Avenue and 13th Street.]