Park Avenue [looking] south from above 54th Street
[Central Park, view south to 59th Street]
[Central Park looking towards 59th Street]
Central Park looking towards 59th Street
Park Avenue [looking] south from 56th Street
Park Avenue [looking] south from 55th Street
Third Avenue [looking] north from 39th Street.
[View of South Street and ships at the Museum of the City of New York]
[Museum of the City of New York, view of second floor gallery looking south]
The New York skyline from Welfare Island
The Conservatory Gardens and the Frances Hodgson Burnett Fountain
[The "Half Moon", 1609. Two photographs of a miniature group installed in the Marine Museum at the Museum of the City of New York.]
Diorama, the founding of the New York Stock Exchange (Buttonwood Agreement)
The home of the late John D. Rockefeller, No. 4 West 54th Street. Bedroom.
The home of the late John D. Rockefeller, No. 4 West 54th Street. Pantry.
The home of the late John D. Rockefeller, No. 4 West 54th Street, rear. Conservatory.
The home of the late John D. Rockefeller, No. 4 West 54th Street. Upstairs hall.