[Mayor Robert Van Wyck.]
Hon. Robert A. Van Wyck
Rob't A. Van Wyck
For Mayor - Robt. A. Van Wyck
[Admiral Dewey's return to New York.]
Police Headquarters, Mulberry St. ; The Old Tombs.
Robert Burns One Hundred and Forty-eighth Anniversary
Robert Burns One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Anniversary
[150th anniversary of the birthday of Robert Burns.]
Robert Burns One Hundred and Fifty-second Anniversary
Robert Burns One Hundred and Sixty-first Anniversary
Mayors of the Greater City
National Testimonial tendered to Commander Robert E. Peary
Mayor's Committee, Celebration, Silver Jubilee, New York. 25th Anniversary of the Greater City of New York
[1998 Inaugural Celebration Borough of Queens.]
1998 Inaugural Celebration Borough of Queens