Trinity Church, N.Y.
St. Pauls. Broadway, N. Y.
Trinity Church, N. Y.
St. Paul's, Broadway, N.Y.
St. Pauls, Broadway, N.Y.
Public Buildings in the City of New York
[Rear of the second Trinity Church structure.]
The Ladies Magazine or Review of Belles Lettres [Frontispiece of The Ladies Magazine]
Trinity Church, Broadway, N.Y.
New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.
Columbia College, New - York.
Church of the Ascension, Canal Street N.Y.
View of St. John's Chapel, from the Park.
Masonic Hall, Broadway, N.Y.
Trinity Church
N.Y. Exchange in 1835 - Burnt 1835.
City Hotel ; Grace & Trinity Churches
Ravenswood L. I.