Annual Ball of Columbian Hook & Ladder Company, 14
Ninth Annual Ball of Lexington Engine Company, No. 7
Annual Ball of the Thomas Coman Association
Valley Forge Steam Fire Engine Co. 46
Annual Reception of the Friendly Circle
Index Hose Company, No. 32, Hop
73 Water Street. Hook and Ladder Company 15, firehouse
Twenty Seventh Annual Ball in Aid of the Widows and Orphans of the Brooklyn Fire Department, Western District
[Hook & Ladder #13.]
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 10
[Metropolitan Hook and Ladder Company No. 14, on 125th street between Third and Fourth Avenues]
James Dunphy Association Annual Ball
Annual Ball of the James Dunphy Association
Thomas Coman Association
[Engine 94, Hook & Ladder 48.]
[Hook & Ladder 2.]