State of New York Military Census and Inventory of 1917
State of New York Military Census and Inventory
[Military diorama at the New York World's Fair.]
LSD - Support Your Local Travel Agent
Military & Civic Ball
Armistice Day Dinner. New York Chapter of the Military Order of the World War
P. Zeglio, Real Estate Agent
Mayor's Independence Day Committee, 1917;;
[Fifth brigade of the military parade for the New York Columbian Celebration.]
Children in Gotham Court "Sewing school at the agent's".
Home Demonstration Agents Visit to Hotel Commodore New York, April 21st 1922.
[Military parade.]
Hero Land Bazaar - Nov. 14, 1917
[Richmond Pubilc School Military Band.]
New York Public Library, general view. [The Russian Commission, July 1917.]
New York Telephone Co. Building, New York.
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly