State of New York Military Census and Inventory of 1917
State of New York Military Census and Inventory
[Military diorama at the New York World's Fair.]
LSD - Support Your Local Travel Agent
Mayor's Independence Day Committee, 1917;;
Military & Civic Ball
[Fifth brigade of the military parade for the New York Columbian Celebration.]
Armistice Day Dinner. New York Chapter of the Military Order of the World War
P. Zeglio, Real Estate Agent
Home Demonstration Agents Visit to Hotel Commodore New York, April 21st 1922.
New York Public Library, general view. [The Russian Commission, July 1917.]
Hero Land Bazaar - Nov. 14, 1917
[Richmond Pubilc School Military Band.]
[Military parade.]
Children in Gotham Court "Sewing school at the agent's".
New York Telephone Co. Building, New York.
Terpsichore Military and Civic Assembly