Graduation Exercises of Class of '97.
Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1882, Grammar School, No. 47
Graduation Exercises of Public School 64
Public School 67. Closing Exercises
Graduating Exercises of the De Witt Clinton High School
Washington Irving High School Programme of Graduating Exercises
Record of John Jas. Cahill, a pupil of Class 1, Grade 1
The DeWitt Clinton High School, Borough of Manhattan. Fourth Annual Graduating Exercises
Report of Wm. Stoughton
The Graduating Exercises of the De Witt Clinton High School of New York City
Record of Hattie [Harriet] Heyer
Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
Class Day Exercises of the Senior Class, De Witt Clinton High School
[Testimonial to regular and punctual attendance, correct deportment and diligent attention to study.]
De Witt Clinton High School Class Day Exercises
Record of Stoughton, Wm. [William Stoughton], a pupil of Class B, Grade 4th
P. S. 10, Manhattan Closing Exercises
[Meeting with graduates of the Van Norman Institute after closing exercises.]