The Grand New Steamboat Pilgrim, the Largest in the World.
Steamer Penobscot.
Providence and Stonington Steamship Co's. Steamer Rhode Island.
Boston and Fall River Line
The Grandest Palace Drawing Room Steamers in the World.
Steamer St. John
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race
The Great Mississippi Steamboat Race.
Steamboat Race on the Mississippi.
American Steamboats on the Hudson.
The Narragansett Steamship Co's Steamer Providence of the Fall River Line, Capt. B. M. Simmons.
The New "Washington Irving," Finest and Fastest Inland Steamer in the World. License 6,000 Passengers.
Peoples' Evening Line Hudson River. The Palace Steamers of the World, Drew and Dean Richmond.
Hudson River Day-Line Steamer "New York".
Maiden Rock.
The Great Race on the Mississippi
Burning of the Palace Steamer Robert E. Lee.
The Entrance to the Highlands.
[The side-wheel steamer New York of the Hudson River Line.]