[Doctor treating injuries after a fire.]
[Fire fighters with an injured man.]
[Firemen performing first aid.]
[Doctor treating fireman overcome by fumes at cold storage plant fire.]
[Brooklyn Fire Department firemen.]
[Doctor and fireman treating man with an oxygen mask.]
[Helping an injured person.]
[A Brooklyn fire.]
[Firemen on a fire engine.]
The American Fireman: Prompt to the Rescue
Brooklyn Volunteer Firemen
[Veteran Volunteer Firemen Brooklyn.]
[Firemen riding on fire engine.]
Annual Ball of the Brooklyn Volunteer Firemen's Association
[Firemen with a Knox 1000 gallon fire truck.]
[Brooklyn Fire Department.]
[Firemen riding in a horse-drawn fire cart.]
[Firemen outside of fire station.]
[Firemen posing by a fire hydrant.]