Hotel Ritz Carlton, Phila.
Fairmount Water Works.
Pennsylvania Railroad - New York Division
The Declaration of Independence.
Survivor of the Great Century Run
First Annual Ball of the Frontier Hose Co., No. 5
Westpoint-Annapolis Game.
Complimentary to American Hose Co. 19 of New York from Taylor Hose Co. 1 of Buffalo
[Wedding of Ava Lowle Willing and John Jacob Astor.]
Theatrical, Stage Hands, for Various Plays at Various Theatres.
Annual Ball for the Benefit of the Widows & Orphans Fund, Brooklyn Fire Department
Girard Trust Company.
Order of Exercises attending the Unveiling of the Volunteer Firemen's Monument
Daniel D. Tompkins and Blanc Negre, Hunting Park Course, Phila. Oct. 26th 1849.
Mount Vernon Hose Co. X
Lady Suffolk and Lady Moscow.
View of Warren Street New York