Franklin Savings Bank Addition, S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave. N.Y.C.
Franklin Savings Bank Addition. S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave.
Roof Garden - American Roof Garden 1898 Eighth Ave at 42nd Street S.E. Cor.
Revillon Frères Building. S.E. Cor. Eighth Ave. & 30 St. N.Y.C.
Aeolian Building. West 42nd St. N.Y.C.
New Deal Restaurant. 161 East 42nd St. N.Y.C.
N.E. Corner 46 St & Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. from S.W. Cor. 46 St & Madison Ave.
The Corn Exchange Bank. West 42nd St. Branch. 303 West 42nd Street
42nd St & Madison Ave, S.E. Cor.
#610 - 615 West 50 St. N.Y.C. View from N.W. looking S.E.
N.E. Cor. Arthur Ave. & Tremont N.Y.C.
S.E. Cor. 196 St. & St. Paul Ave. N.Y.C.
N.E. Corner 46 St & Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking North from S.E. Corner 45 St & Madison Ave.
S.E. Cor. 196 St. & Morris Avenue. N.Y.C.
St. Ursula's Academy, 198 St and Marion Ave. N.Y.C. General View from S.W. looking N.E.
N.E. Cor. Arthur & Tremont Aves. N.Y.C.
Garment Center Capitol #228 West 38 St. N.Y.C.
110 East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Entrance
610-618 West 50th St. N.Y.C.