Pelham Parkway. N.Y. Institute for the Blind, general view from Pelham Parkway.
Pelham Parkway. N.Y. Institute for the Blind, Schermerhorn Hall, exterior.
Pelham Parkway. N.Y. Institute for the Blind, gymnasium.
Pelham Parkway. N.Y. Institute for the Blind, interior assembly room, Esley [or Esty?] organ.
1500 Pelham Parkway. Pelham Heath Inn, exterior.
New York Institute for the Education of the Blind. Pelham Parkway N. and Williamsbridge Road. Breaking First Ground at School Building
111-115 East 59th Street. N.Y. Institute for the Association for the Blind.
1500 Pelham Parkway. Pelham Heath Inn, interior.
N.Y. Assoc. for the Blind, Boys Making Baskets.
750 Pelham Parkway between Wallace and Barnes. Alhambra Apartments.
Watercolor, Pelham Parkway apartments, rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1926.
Schermerhorn Hall, the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind. 999 Pelham Parkway, New York, N. Y.
N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Interior, Boy Scouts Group.
N.Y. Assoc. for the Blind, Boys Being Read to by Blind Teacher.
N.Y. Association for the Blind.
Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, general exterior.
N.Y. Association for the Blind, Blind Men Making Mops.
N.Y. Asso. for the Blind, Play Japanese.
Kingsbridge Road and Grand Concourse. Institute for the Destitute, exterior.