[Winter firefighting scene.]
[Early firefighting equipment.]
City Departments, Fires & Firefighting, Fire Engine No. 72.
Going to the Fire
Key No. 2902C is hereby issued to Theophilus Holmes of No. 17 East 133rd Street
[Request to make a full and complete roll of all the members of Company in accordance with the New Badge Ordinance.]
[Requirement to furnish the Board of Fire Commissioners with a correct list of all the members of the hose company.]
New Motor Propelled Fire Engine, New York
B.[rooklyn] V.[olunteer] F.[ire] A.[ssociation] Souvenir Columbus and Dedication of Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1892.
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 10
Presented to James S. Norton in Appreciation of Meritorious Performance of Duty as a Fireman
Fire Hose Company. No. 1
Americus 6 Association
New York Fire Department - Gherardi Davis - Fire Lines No. 522
Fire Engine at Work, New York
Fire Lines N. Y. F. D. - 1275 - Gherardi Davis
N. Y. F. D. 37