Genl. Tom Thumb & Wife, Com. Nutt & Minnie Warren: Four Wonderously Formed & Strangely Beautiful Ladies & Gentlemen in Miniature, Natures Smallest Edition of Her Choicest Works
Commodore Nutt
Barnum's Museum. Every day and evening this week, commencing Monday, March 23, 1863, re-engagement for a brief period, of that charming little Minnie Warren
What Is It? _ Or "Man Monkey".
Vantile Mack, the Infant Lambert, or the Giant Baby!!
The Yacht "Henrietta" of N.Y. 205 Tons.
The Wonderful Albino Family.
Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant.
Lieut. Genl. Ulysses S. Grant.
Com. Andrew H. Foote.
Brig.- Genl. Michael Corcoran.
Brig. Genl. Michael Corcoran.
An Heir to the Throne, Or the Next Republican Candidate.
Death of Genl. Andrew Jackson.
Genl. Israel Putnam.
Mrs. Lucretia R. Garfield.
Womans Holy War.
The Wonderful Story.
The Battle of the Kings.