"I Think the Results Obtained in the Past Ten or Eleven Years Have Been Marvelous."
A Speaking Likeness.
Clang, Clang, Clang.
The Endurance Sitter, or Up a Tree.
"I'm Sorry Junior, but Owing to the Truckmen's Strike There is No Spinach."
The Pleasent Sounds of Marching Men.
The Head of a Bankrupt Firm has a Little Chat with the Manager.
Having a Fit.
Not Arguing With Him.
"Not if I Can Stop It."
A Certain Old Gentleman Becomes Interested.
Not Out of His Basket!
"I Don't Have to Get Mine that Way!"
"One Doesn't Have to be a Radical to Subscribe to That."
["Germany never had the slightest intention of attacking the United States of America and does not have such intention now."]
The One Thing That Will Not Shatter His Nerves.
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
Moral Indignation or Political Expediency.
He'll Have No Hit With This!
"I Can't Let Them Starve but Where to Get the Money?"