[The Bachelors of Berbice Ball.]
[Joseph Williams is requested to attend Mr. Shepherd's Public Ball.]
[Mr. and Mrs. I Sheldon Tilney request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at dinner in honour of their daughter Miss Anne Munn Tilney.]
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the Second Assembly.]
[Doctor Gouverneur Morris Phelps requests the pleasure of your company at a dinner in honour of his daughter Miss Helena Pelham Phelps.]
[The Minister of France presents his compliments to Mr. Abercrombie and requests the favor of his company to a ball on February 6.]
[Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Whitney, Miss Eleanor Stanton Whitney request the pleasure of Miss Louise Ludlow's company at a dinner dance.]
[Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt request the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. Van Rensselaer's company.]
Mr. Truman Capote requests the pleasure of your company at a black and white dance
[Mr. and Mrs. Lea McIlvaine Luquer request the pleasure of Miss Louise Ludlow's company at a dinner dance in honour of their daughter Miss Ellen Pierrepont Luquer.]
[The pleasure of Miss Fields' company is requested at the First Assembly.]
The pleasure of your company is requested at a Testimonial Dinner to Madame Marie Curie-Sklodowska
[The pleasure of Miss Eleanor Hewitt's company is requested at the First Assembly.]
[Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riker request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Lavinia Riker.]
[Mr. and Mrs. Percy Avery Rockefeller request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Faith Rockefeller.]
[The Committee on Public Education requests the pleasure of your company at lunch.]
[Mr. Henry E. Pierrepont requests the pleasure of your company.]
[Mr. and Mrs. William V. B. Kip request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Cornelia B. Kip.]
Complimentary Ball to F. C. Schaffer
Jamaica Volunteers, Fourth Annual Ball