Architectural model of building at 39th Street and Park Avenue.
77 Park Avenue at 39th Street, S.E. corner. Griffon Apartments.
East 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2, finished.
16-18 West 39th Street. Skylight in building at rear.
20 West 39th Street.
N.E. corner 40th Street and Madison Avenue. [Architectural model of a building.]
East 39th Street and Madison Avenue
38 East 39th Street. General exterior.
#140 East 39th Street.
6 East 39th Street. General exterior.
10 East 39th Street. General exterior.
39 East 36th Street and Park Avenue. Residence.
270 Madison Ave at 39th Street
134 East 39th Street. Schmith (?) residence.
20 Park Avenue. Apartment building, architectural rendering.