Avenue M and Ocean Parkway. Friends School ballfield. Football team playing Adelphi Academy
233 Broadway. Woolworth Building. Artist rendering of early plan
625 Madison Avenue. Lobby floor plan, colored rendering.
[Rendering of Jackson Heights apartments.]
[Rendering of two-family residences.]
Rendering sketch "C", one family attached houses.
Rendering, sketch B, one-family attached houses.
Rendering, sketch C, one-family attached houses.
Kleinerts Factory, rendering.
Type C [Floor plan for residence.]
Type A [Floor plan for residence.]
Grand Central Parkway. Bulova Watch Company, rendering.
McAvoy residences, rendering by Chester B. Price, 1926.
Rendering of proposed School at Jackson Heights.
New York Post Office competition, rendering of 2nd floor plan.
Hayes Avenue between 25th Street and 26th Street. Complex plan