Avenue M and Ocean Parkway. Friends School ballfield. Football team playing Adelphi Academy
625 Madison Avenue. Lobby floor plan, colored rendering.
233 Broadway. Woolworth Building. Artist rendering of early plan
Rendering, Academy of Human Science.
Bulova Watch Company, rendering of entrance lobby by Stokes.
20th and 21st Streets(?). Elevation rendering [rowhouses].
Type A [Floor plan for residence.]
[Rendering of two-family residences.]
Kleinerts Factory, rendering.
Rendering, sketch C, one-family attached houses.
Rendering, sketch B, one-family attached houses.
Rendering sketch "C", one family attached houses.
Type B [Floor plan for residence.]
U.S. Custom House, rendering of first floor plan, dated 1/23/1900.
#475 Adelphi Street. Brooklyn N.Y. Front or West Wall to Front Building on Adelphi St. View Looking East. Camera at West Curb on Adelphi St.