2 East 57th Street. A. Lipper and Co. Stockbrokers, private offices.
East 57th Street. H. Storr Wells reception room.
West 57th Street. Jay-Thorpe and Co.
210 East 57th Street. .
16 East 44th Street. Robinson and Co., brokers, interior of customer room.
Looking S.W. from 73 East 57th Street at 36 East 57th Street.
320 East 57th Street. Apartments.
9 East 57th Street.
14 East 57th Street. Knoedler Art Gallery.
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
10 East 57th Street. Cadillac Salon
12 East 57th Street. Durand-Ruel Building.
12 East 57th Street. General exterior.
424 East 57th Street between York and Sutton Avenue. Apartments.
28 East 57th Street. Crystal chandelier.
333 East 57th Street. Apartment building.
3 West 57th Street.
28 West 57th Street.
East 57th Street and Madison Avenue. Ritz Tower.