[Columbian Celebration.]
Firemen's Division. New York Columbian Celebration. Committee of One Hundred.
Francis McCarthy, Marshal, 5th Brigade [of the military parade for the New York Columbian Celebration.]
Official Program - the National Public School Celebration of Columbus Day
400th Columbian Anniversary
The City of New York requests the honor of your presence at its Celebration of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America
Programme of Parades, Washington's Inaugural Celebration, 1789-1889.
[Fifth brigade of the military parade for the New York Columbian Celebration.]
New York Columbian Celebration Banquet to commemorate the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America
Christopher Columbus - 1492
Parade, Columbus Celebration, Princess Eulalia of Spain (Savoy H.).
Fifth Avenue Parade
Evacuation Day Official Programme.
The Saturday Evening Mail
Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.
Preparation for Dewey Celebration