Second Floor Plan Bronx Borough Court House
Front Elevation of the Bronx Borough Courthouse
Bronx NY RR Cut Nov.22 -12. [New York Railroad Cut, in the Bronx.]
The Last of the Dutch Houses, New Lots. 1908 Dec.
Harlem, Mott Haven. [View on the Harlem River, Mott Haven]
[End of Elevated Railroad, Suburban Railroad Bridge from 155th Street Bridge, New York]
[High Bridge]
Harlem River North near Webb Avenue.
Compitition Proposal for New York City Hall, First Floor
Harlem. July 11- 14
New York Central Railroad, Harlem River Line
Hudson River.
[Bronx County Court House.]
County Court House.
[Bronx Borough Hall.]
Bronx River Bridge on Pelham Avenue [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Theatre, Bronx.
1998 Inaugural Celebration Borough of the Bronx
Bronx Borough Hall
Baroque fantasies of the old Jefferson Market Court House