Squibbs Building, entrance lobby.
Entrance lobby, office, looking south.
7 Gracie Square. Entrance lobby.
The Greenway Apartments, entrance lobby.
Ritz Tower, entrance lobby to restaurant.
Mt. Morris Park Sanatorium, entrance lobby.
823 Park Avenue. Apartment, entrance lobby.
51 Broadway. Entrance lobby, first floor.
965 5th Avenue. Apartments, entrance lobby.
11 East 24th Street. Entrance lobby.
Washington Irving High School, entrance lobby, general view.
1065 Lexington Avenue. Apartment building, small entrance lobby.
280 Fulton Street. Brooklyn Public Library, entrance lobby.
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, entrance lobby.
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, entrance lobby
490 Riverside Drive. Riverside Church. Interior, entrance lobby
10 West 33rd Street. Remodeled entrance lobby, looking out towards entrance door.
50 Broad Street. A. Lippe and Co., entrance lobby.