Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, Rev. Gorham D. Abbott, Principal.
Union Park Spingler Institute N. York.
The Park Fountain & City Hall N. Y.
North Battery, foot of Hubert St. New York
American Hotel, Broadway
New York from Weehawk
A. Junction of Broadway and the Bowery; B. Bay and Harbour of New York.
The New York Crystal Palace.
Park Place, New York ; American Hotel, Broadway
City Hotel ; Grace & Trinity Churches
Junction of Broadway & the Bowery
A. St. Thomas' Church, Broadway; B. Park Theatre and Part of Park Row
Battery & Castle Garden.
New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.
Washington Square [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Junction of Broadway & the Bowery ; Bay & Harbour of New York
Bowling Green, New York