View of the Architectural Iron Works
Knowles' Patent Steam Pump
Sixth Avenue and Bryant Park [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
Defiance Salamander Safes Depot 192 Pearl St
Archway under Carriage Drive for Footpath East of the Ramble.
Archway over Carriage Drive for Footpath Leading to S.W. Entrance to the Mall.
View of the Terrace etc. Looking South from the Ramble.
Bridge for Footpath West of the Ramble.
Archway under Carriage Drive for Bridle Road near Entrance from 5th Ave. and 59th St.
Family Register.
Map showing the original Topography of the site of Central Park with a Diagram of Roads and Walks now under construction.
Broadway [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street]
Peter Lorillard, Snuff & Tobacco
Broadway - City Hall Park [Broadway & City Hall to Broadway & Mail Street]
Whitehall and Pearl Streets [Weehawken Street to Worth Street]
Canal Street & Division Street [Broome Street through Central Park]
Clipper Ship "Young America."
Second Avenue and 50th Street [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
The Young Housekeepers.