Derrickson Card Works
[Dinner with Mr. D. S. Jones.]
Class Supper '69
Supper Dance Sponsored by New York State and City Hotel Associations
Dance and Buffet Supper on board the steamship "France"
John Clancy's
The Peweter Mug Tavern, 1860
The Apartment Supper Club
Soppett's Restaurant and Dairy
Supper Specialties
Chrisa II Restaurant, Inc.
Coaching, New York Herald City Beautiful Planning Party.
Luchow's Restaurant 60th Year
[You are respectfully invited to accompany the Common Council of the City of New York, to view the Public Institutions, and to Dine with them.]
[Manhattan Club dinner.]
Blue Skies Piano Bar & Restaurant
Park Row and Frankfort St. [Park Row to Prince Street]
Park Row [Park Avenue & 42nd Street to Park Row]