130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, sun parlor off bedroom.
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, small bedroom.
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, living room at mantel.
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk Residence, dining room.
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, main bedroom at mantel.
130 Buckingham Road. McGuirk residence, main bedroom at bedstead.
Ground Floor
41 East 65th Street. B.B. Sloan residence, sun parlor.
130 East 15th Street. Lighting exhibit [on the] ground floor, general view.
130 East 15th Street. Lighting exhibit [on the] ground floor, dining room.
309 East 49th Street. Midtown Hospital, sun parlor roof.
130 East 15th Street. Lighting exhibit [on the] ground floor, library exhibit.
130 East 70th Street. Powell House, front parlor with piano.
[Riverdale. Mrs. Frederick Goodridge residence. Interior, parlor.]
41 East 65th Street. B.B. Sloan residence, detail of stairs on ground floor.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, ground Floor hall.
130 East 80th Street. Astor residence.
Type A [Floor plan for residence.]
33 East 70th Street. Lobby, ground floor.