4-6 West 93rd Street. Rosemary Apartments.
[West 93rd Street.]
[56 East 93rd Street.]
[60 East 93rd Street.]
[3 East 83rd Street]
Park Avenue and 93rd Street.
[Park Avenue and 93rd Street.]
Riverside Drive, Rock between 93rd and 94th Streets.
The Stratford-Avon, Riverside Drive & 93rd St.
[352 East 53rd Street]
[218-224 East 123rd Street]
[View from the roof of George Ehret's home at Park Avenue and 94th Street.] Looking southeast, showing 93rd Street and Lexington Avenue. The litte frame house on 93rd between Park and Lexington Avenue
[17 East 128th Street]
[448 East 89th Street]
[160 East 92nd Street]
[120-122 East 92nd Street]