72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, dining room at windows.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, library at mantel.
72 E. 56th Street. Beck residence, library at windows.
72 East 56th Street. Beck residence.
72 East 56th Street. A.N. [?] Beck residence, bedroom at windows.
West 56th Street. Mrs. Jackson Giraud residence, Indian room.
718 5th Avenue at 56th Street. General exterior.
139 East 56th Street. Lane Galleries at street level.
West 56th Street and 7th Avenue. Carnegie Studio Building, 56th Street end.
[43 West 56th Street.]
Edwin Sommerich residence, dining room at sideboard and buffet.
43-45 West 56th Street.
111 East 56th Street. Lombardy Hotel, general exterior from S.E..
4 East 56th Street.
4 East 56th Street. William Baumgarten Building.
10 East 56th Street.
68 East 56th Street. General exterior.
6 East 56th Street.