820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, breakfast room.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, ground Floor hall.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, living room.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, dining room.
820 Park Avenue. A.J. Kobler residence, 2nd Floor Hall.
862 Park Avenue. Fredrick J. Kernochan residence detail of entrance.
820 Park Avenue. Residence
820 Park Avenue and 75th Street. Residence, general exterior.
862 Park Avenue. Fredrick J. Kernochan residence, entrance hall.
820 Park Avenue. Lehman Apartment, hall.
823 Park Avenue. Remodeled apartments, detail main entrance.
823 Park Avenue. Remodeled apartments, main entrance detail.
1185 Park Avenue. Detail of entrance
862 Park Avenue. Fredrick J. Kernochan residence, dining room.
862 Park Avenue and 77th Street. Entrance detail.
77th Street and Madison Avenue. Parke-Bernett Building, detail above entrance.
820 Park Avenue. Apartment building
990 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 79th Street. White (?) residence, entrance.