Democratic National Convention New York
Massachusetts. Democratic National Convention, Houston, Texas, 1928
Democratic Convention, New York
Democratic Convention, Chicago Ill. Coliseum, Palmer House Hotel (N.Y. Journal B.).
Shirley Chisholm, Democratic Convention, New York
Dinner in Honor of General John J. Pershing, U.S.A.
[Democratic National Convention.]
Dinner to General Armando Vittorio Diaz Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army
J. C. Davies. New York National Convention Committee. Reception and Entertainment Committee. Democratic National Convention
Coney Island Trip for Delegates and Alternates to the Democratic National Convention and Visitors
Group, Hylan, Gaynor.
Interior View of Tammany Hall, Decorated for The National Convention July 4th, 1868.
"Abortion is Murder" Democratic Convention, Madison Square Garden
[Joseph B. Shannon of Kansas City, Missouri, speaking at Democratic National Convention]
2004 Republican National Convention New York