Madison Square Garden design rendering by F.G.S., December 18, 1919.
Madison Square Garden design, rendering by F.G.S., Dec. 13 1919.
New York County Lawyers [Association], lounge.
N.Y. County Lawyers Assn. Rendering by J. Floyd Yewell 1928
Scoville Manufacturing Co., view of exterior rendering by F.G.S. dated Feb. 1920.
Watercolor of concrete warehouse by "F.G.S.", 1918.
New York County Lawyers [Association], lobby to auditorium.
Hudson River Bridge, rendering by F.G. Stickel 1928.
New York Life Insurance Building, revised rendering by F.G. Stickel, 1927
14 Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers [Association], exterior from St. Paul Building.
14 Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association. Interior, lounge
14 Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers [Association], exterior from east.
14 Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers [Association], exterior from west.
Madison Square. New York Life Insurance Building, finished rendering by F.G. Stickel, 1927.
New office Building at Jackson Heights, perspective rendering by L.G. Chapin, 1928.
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, interior of auditorium at rostrum.
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, interior of entrance lobby entrance.