Map of Harlem Heights and Plain
A Map of the Common Lands between the three and six mile stones belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York
A Topographical Map of New-York Island Exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen
Map of City of New York.
Map of New Netherlands
Maps -- Shewing the Residence of Thomas Paine before, and at his death - 18th June 1809 - at Greenwich in the City of New York and also the House where he lived and the Site of the Building in which h
[Map of rural Upper Manhattan in 1781.]
Map of the City of New York showing original high water line and the location of the different Farms and Estates.
Map of the City of New York
Plan of the City of New York
A Map of Common Lands between the three and six milestones, belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York.
New-York City County and Vicinity
New Yorke 1695
The Towne of New York
Fourth Avenue and 37th Street [Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue & 21st Street]
Principal Map of the North Part of New - York Island, exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen
A Plan of the City of New-York drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General, 1776
A Map of the Common Lands between the three and six mile stones, belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York.