Blackwell's Durham
A Box Stew; or, an Enviable Position.
Samuel J. Tilden
[Samuel J. Tilden.]
Gov. Samuel J. Tilden of New York.
"Any Thing for a Change"
Harmonie Club.
Construction of Harmonie Club.
Ladies' Calico Reception of the Bay Ridge Club.
Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order
Lotos Club Reception
A Jolly Jumper.
Gallant Fox Club
Cosmopolitan Club. Reception room window.
Mr. Milquetoast, a few minutes late for the curtain, misses the entire first act, rather than disturb the person next his aisle seat
Reception and Banquet at the Lincoln Club
The Cornell Club, New York N.Y. Ladies' reception room
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.