Certificate issued by Nicholas Bayard admitting Stephen De Lancey a freeman and citizen of the City of New York
Admittance issued by William Leggett to James De Lancey as a freeman of the Burrough Town of Westchester, October 4, 1737
Certificate issued by Ensign Benjamin Moses on behalf of the Continental Army to Susannah De Lancey for pasturing 20 horses for one night, September 25, 1778
Certificate of notary status issued to John Peter De Lancey, January 19, 1795
Receipted bill issued by James W. Brown on behalf of Jared Peck to John Peter De Lancey, September 16, 1819
Dinner Given by the City of New York in honor of the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
Receipted bill issued by James W. Brown on behalf of Jared Peck to John Peter De Lancey for $12.25, June 28, 1817
Hudson-Fulton Celebration Board of Aldermen Military Parade
Receipt for three certificates issued for claims against the estate of James De Lancey, issued to Stephen De Lancey, October 15, 1790
Clearance issued by James De Lancey for a schooner to pass through New York Harbor, February 3, 1759
Certificate of United States citizenship issued to John Peter De Lancey, June 22, 1811
A Statement of James De Lancey's Forfeited Estate, March 17, 1791
Military order issued by James De Lancey to James Clinton, March 8, 1759
Military order issued by James De Lancey to Richard Floyd, March 16, 1759
Receipt of Hannah De Lancey to Thomas Baxter on behalf of Stephen De Lancey, May 6, 1772
Dinner Given by the City of New York in Honor of His Excellency Leon Blum Ambasadeur Extraordinaire United States of the French Republic
Certificate appointing James Howard a Fireman of the City of New York
Certificate issued by the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mamaroneck to John Peter De Lancey, exonerating him from liability for maintenance of former slaves, July 5, 1803
Receipt issued by Hannah Johnson to John Peter De Lancey for $40, for clothing, boarding and lodging of a slave, February 21, 1817
Certificate Appointing James Pettit a Fireman of the City of New York