Indenture between Coenradt Elmendorph of Kingston and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 6, 1737
Indenture between Coenradt Elmendorph of Kingston and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 7, 1737
Indenture between Bowdowin Le Count of Kingston and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 7, 1737
Indenture between Pieter Oblienis of Harlem and Abraham Gouverneur of New York City for land called the Dominees Farm, June 13, 1723
Indenture between Johannis Hardenbergh, Johannes William Smith, Albert Boom and Tounis Hough and Baron Lighthart, and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 8, 173a7
Indenture between Teunis Teerpenning, Derick Teerpenning and Jacobus De Yoo of Ulster County, and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 6, 1737
Indenture between Johannis Hardenbergh of Kingston and Barent Lichthart, April 1, 1732
Indenture between Johannis Hardenbergh, Johannes William Smith, Albert Boom and Tounis Hough of Ulster County, and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 9, 1737
Indenture between Lawrence Garrobrantz, Moses de Graef, Baltus Van Cleeck and Abraham de Graef of Poughkeepsie, and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 3, 1737
Indenture between Lawrence Garrobrantz, Moses de Graef, Baltus Van Cleeck and Abraham de Graef of Poughkeepsie, and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 4, 1737
Indenture between Pieter Oblienis of Harlem and Abraham Gouverneur of New York City for land called the Dominees Farm, June 13, 1732
Deed between Obadiah Palmer and Nehemiah Palmer, April 15, 1737
Portion of indenture between William Anderson of Hackensack and Johannis Hardenbergh of Kingston, October 12, 1725
Deed between Frederick Schurman and Nehemiah Palmer, May 14, 1754
Indenture between Bowdowin Le Count of Kingston and Richard Bradley of New York City, April 6, 1737
Indenture between William Anderson of Hackensack, New Jersey and Boudewyn Le Count of Kingston, October 11, 1725
Indenture between William Anderson of Hackensack, New Jersey and Jan de Graef of Poughkeepsie, October 11, 1725
Deed between Thomas Simon with Rachel Simon and Nehemiah Palmer, December 30, 1731
Indenture between William Anderson of Bergen County, New Jersey and Major John Hardenbergh of Kingston, September 2, 1732
Deed between Peter Allaire with Rebecca Allaire and Calicia Allaire, April 27, 1801