Receipt issued to John Peter De Lancey by Monmouth Lyon, December 14, 1816
Receipted bill issued by Jones & Bailey to John Peter De Lancey for $17.93, October 22, 1818
Receipted bill issued by J. & T. Garniss to John Peter De Lancey, May 31, 1815
Receipted bill issued by Frederick Garner to John Peter De Lancey for $34.00, May 4, 1811
Receipted bill issued by Lewis Hartman to John Peter De Lancey for $23.50, December 3, 1818
Receipted bill issued by John Slidell to John Peter De Lancey, November 6, 1794
Certificate issued by the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mamaroneck to John Peter De Lancey, exonerating him from liability for maintenance of former slaves, July 5, 1803
Receipt issued by Hannah Johnson to John Peter De Lancey for $40, for boarding and lodging Peter, January 1, 1818
Receipted bill issued by Michael Trappal to John Peter De Lancey, May 23, 1798
Receipted bill issued by Mapes & Oakley to William Heathcote De Lancey for $50.00, May 12, 1819
Receipted bill issued by Leavitt & Lee to John Peter De Lancey for $24.45, October 9, 1817
Receipted bill issued by Wood Rushmore & Co. to John Peter De Lancey for $17.40, December 12, 1812
Agreement between John Peter De Lancey and Ruth Ward to manumit a slave, April 14, 1806
Receipted bill issued by Thomas Cadle to John Peter De Lancey for 15 pounds 10 shillings 7 pence, January 17, 1794
Receipted bill issued by Mapes & Oakley to William Heathcote De Lancey for $43.00, May 8, 1819
Receipted bill issued by Joseph Howland to John Peter De Lancey, 1815
Receipt issued by H. G. Livingston to John Peter De Lancey, for 60 pounds for slave, August 10, 1798
Letter from John De Lancey to John Peter De Lancey, May, 1791
Bill of sale issued by Ruth Ward to John Peter De Lancey for payment of $125 for slave, April 14, 1806
Receipted bill issued by Richard Harrison to John Peter De Lancey for 33 pounds 10 shillings, April 26, 1791